Tuesday, February 13, 2018

What about the children?

One thing the lazy and poorly educated believe, as their so-not-a-leader aka @realdonaldtrump fake @POTUS etc is that every minor child attempting to enter the United States comes from Mexico or is somehow "smuggled" as in their favorite over-simplifications like the "anchor babies" and their greedy, leech parents.

Problem is, their mental affliction and Trumps sanctioned ignorance causes them to do incredibly cruel, mean-spirited things to children. The Dream Act controversy gets a lot of attention from all sides of American political structure, pro and con, but it's a sliver of what is really going on across any geographic location across Central and North America.

The cruelty stories span backwards for decades, and they really are too numerous to go into great detail, but some of the most infamous are the case of Elián González, where the local conservatives, (ie Gloria Esteban) much ballyhooed the "family values" concept. Except in the case of Elian it meant separating a child from his father and two grandmas, when his mother had recently drowned, because Fidel Castro was a very bad man. Our information indicates that parental love trumps the political views of the person in charge at the time, all the time.
Our most recent case is that of Rosamaria Hernandez, who in all likelihood the Trump Cult has never heard of.

Next, we'll take a brief look at the issue of minor children (usually male age 12-17 yrs) who, through various ways end up congregating, and sometimes successfully crossing into the United States.

In this case it is mandatory to put yourself into the mindset of someone else -- someone else who is a child, a mother, or whomever loved one it may be.  But, apparently, the cultural ignorance/ Trump-sanctioned intellectual laziness recipe results are as you would expect, disastrous.

Guatemala, in particular, is a hellspace of horrifying drug-trafficking violence.

Here are a few links, but if you Google that the results are so numerous as to be repulsive, and you just can't look anymore.


Extremely Graphic:


I don't know for sure, but I think that country may be the beheading capital of the world. So, you're a parent, and you decide the daily body count in your neighborhood is really too much.  It makes South Central Los Angeles look like a pleasant suburb by comparison.

Or, you're a teenager who has gathered enough life skills, awareness and desire to protect your family, you decide to split in the middle of the night in search of help, any help, and you've heard of a place called America, where it is said, help can be had. You don't tell anyone of your plan, because you know they will stop you.

For you see, the trip through Mexico to the United States is something akin to the journey of Papillon out of French Guiana.  See: Mexico train derailment of 2013

To the Trump Cult, they can barely call these kids refugees. They think their greedy parents abandoned them so they can get a job as a busboy or be just another leech on the American taxpayer.

Is the Trump Cult aware of any of this?  No.

This is because they are poorly educated, and their leader has told them that this is OK! Why bother to research something before you act? The orange Pied Piper certainly doesn't.

Even someone as intelligent as Ann Coulter has confused the truth to her followers in two cases - one involving a murder in Wyoming (the "illegal" actually had legal documentation) and a train derailment in Mexico she assumed passengers to be Mexican (most were not).

But what about the children? Is the answer to have an angry cabal of Orange County, CA "Tea Partiers" block the driveway of a Detention Center and prevent a busload of exhausted and hungry cartel-violence, traumatized minor children from getting food and shelter?

Would it be better to have them lost and bewildered in a place that must look like another planet to a desperate and confused 12 year old?

To anyone with a heart, the above scenarios are simply unacceptable.  Yet, if you don't expand your awareness, otherwise known as ignorance, you may personally believe any or both are just fine.

No, not everyone of anything is a horrible person.  Believing so has a name.  It's called prejudice.  Prejudgment.  We all fall victim to it . . .

Now, at the risk of appearing to pontificate, we'll wind it up now.

Best to all.


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